RuralUnity: Insights from the Rural Anti-Racism Youth Retreat 2023

In the heart of rural Alberta, from October 13-15, 2023, the youth-led Rural Anti-Racism Youth Retreat unfolded as a transformative experience, bringing together 14 young minds aged 15 to 27. Participants, representing various ages, ethnicities, and life journeys, shared challenges that challenged preconceived notions. This unique gathering aimed to unpack the intersection of rural life and racism, utilizing art as a catalyst for education and fostering connections among the youth and the dedicated team at JHC.

Listening to the Rural Perspective 

One of the most profound aspects of the retreat was the opportunity to delve into the perspectives of rural youth from across Alberta. Many participants have witnessed or experienced many forms of racism and discrimination in their communities, but do not have the space to discuss them.The retreat provided a platform to ground and reflect on national and local colonial history and how it manifests in their communities and shared experiences. 

Sense of Togetherness

Despite being strangers, the youth were able to create deep connections through interactive activities and their shared experiences. Establishing a collective community agreement empowered them to voice their concerns and be considerate in adapting to the evolving needs of the participants. The retreat concluded with the sharing of their art and their creactive process which cultivated a space of trust, vulnerability and a deep sense of closeness among participants. 

Art as Expression and Education 

Integral to the retreat's programming was the exploration of art as a medium for self-expression and education. The diverse talents of the participants, ranging from traditional art forms to playing the piano, offered a rich tapestry of thought-provoking artwork. This creative aspect not only served as a form of personal expression but also as a powerful tool for educating others about the realities of racism in rural communities. The artwork that emerged from this rural retreat will be merged and disseminated as a zine in the upcoming months. 

The Rural Anti Racism Youth Retreat of 2023 emerged as more than just a gathering; it became a nexus for shared experiences, artistry, and a renewed commitment to combating racism in rural Alberta. As the echoes of this transformative weekend linger, it stands as a testament to the power of youth-driven initiatives and the potential for change when diverse voices unite.