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October 31, 2016

Peacebuilders is an inter-generational dialogue and learning program for Edmontonians ready to have conversations on controversial secular issues while reflecting on the diverse worldviews that frame our perspectives on these issues. Peacebuilders will meet, engage with, and learn from members of various social, ethnocultural and faith communities; reflect on key issues related to diversity and human rights; and, explore Canadian history, identity and values.

In 2017, through a series of skills building sessions, panel talks, and dialogue series, we will be engaging on issues related to gender identity and orientation, sex and morality, as well as medically assisted dying. These dialogues are meant to be reflective on what it is to build communities of inclusion, dignity and peace when we can be at odds on issues.

As Peacebuilders, participants will play a critical role in advancing the voice of Edmontonians on issues related to diversity, inclusion and human rights and will work together to build an Edmonton where the rights and dignity of all are respected and upheld. Participants will develop skills such as witnessing, documenting, reporting and being an advocate in the community for inclusion, dignity and peace.

This program is open to all ages however parental consent would be required for anyone under the age of 18.

Every Tuesday
January 17 - April 04 2017 (13 sessions)
6.30pm-8.30 pm

Interfaith Centre 172 HUB
University of Alberta
HUB Mall, 112 St. N.W.
Edmonton, AB

Participants: Ages 17 and up

Admission: FREE (only 25 spots available)

Register: HERE

Deadline to register: Thursday, December 8 2016